Appartement Huber - Brunico, Luns

The weather in South Tyrol

The weather today Thursday, 18.04.2024

Thursday, 18.04.2024

Still changeable

Sun and clouds will alternate. A few showers during the course of the day, mostly in the northern parts of the region. Snowfall limit between 800 and 1300 m. Cool northerly wind.
Temperatures in the afternoon from 6° to 16°.
Cool air masses will continue to reach the Alpine region with a strong northerly current.

The mountain weather today: Still changeable

Cool air masses will continue to reach the Alpine region with a strong northerly current.
Changeable and partly wintry conditions. Clouds will continue to move through with some snow showers during the day.

Still changeable


Sunrise: 06:23 Uhr
Sunset: 20:07 Uhr


Moonrise: 14:31 Uhr
Moonset: 04:35 Uhr

The weather for the next days

Cool north wind

On Saturday, partly strong northerly winds. While it will snow at times on the main Alpine ridge, it will be sunnier towards the south. On Sunday, sunshine and clouds will alternate, with isolated showers especially in the north of the region. Still windy and relatively cool. Monday will be mostly cloudy. Tuesday will also be cloudy.


Cloudymin.Temp. -4° / 6° max. Temp. 7° / 17°


Partly cloudy min.Temp. -4° / 5° max. Temp. 7° / 16°


Very cloudy min.Temp. -3° / 6° max. Temp. 6° / 15°


Very cloudymin.Temp. -3° / 5° max. Temp. 6° / 15°