Appartement Huber - Brunico, Luns

The weather in South Tyrol

The weather today Sunday, 02.06.2024

Sunday, 02.06.2024

Sun, clouds and local showers

In the north a lot of clouds, while towards the south the weather will be fine with sunny spells. With the sunshine cumulus clouds will form, leading to local showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon and evening.
Maximum temperatures between 17° and 23°.
The Alps will still be affected by moist air masses arriving from the southeast.

The mountain weather today: Local showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon

The Alps will still be affected by moist air masses arriving from the southeast.
Clouds will still prevail with some precipitation in the north. On the southern mountain ranges, sunny spells will be expected. In the second part of the day, local showers or thunderstorms will be possible

Local showers or thunderstorms in the afternoon


Sunrise: 05:26 Uhr
Sunset: 21:01 Uhr


Moonrise: 02:57 Uhr
Moonset: 16:19 Uhr

The weather for the next days

More stable weather from Wednesday

On Tuesday, after a pleasant morning, cumuliform clouds will develop, increasing the probability of showers and thunderstorms. From Wednesday to Friday, the weather will be more stable. After the dissolution of low clouds in the morning, the weather will be very sunny with generally no precipitation. The probability of showers will remain low even in the mountains. Temperatures will reach summer values with highs up to 29° in the southern parts.


Cloudymin.Temp. 7° / 14° max. Temp. 19° / 26°


Partly cloudy min.Temp. 8° / 16° max. Temp. 21° / 27°


Partly cloudy min.Temp. 9° / 17° max. Temp. 23° / 29°


Partly cloudymin.Temp. 9° / 17° max. Temp. 23° / 29°